
Everyone Doesn T Be Equal In Harrison Bergeron

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Out of around 7.347 billion people in the world, there is not one person who is the exact same. We all have physical differences, we all talk differently, think differently, we have different interests, motivated differently, different drives, desires, we all have different goals and dreams.
One can ask can an Equal society exist? Is it possible?

According to the fact that everyone is different in many ways, it isn't possible for everyone to be equal. According to the story "Harrison Bergeron" all humans can never truly be equal. We see in the beginning of the story the reader learns that the gifted are handicapped, but the ability to reason hasn’t been taken away. Hazel tells George that she thinks he looks tired. She says, “All of a sudden …show more content…

If true equality can never fully excist than genetic engineering or biotechnological enhancements for the ungifted is unnecessary because it is impossible to make everyone equal. If it was possible we would end up in the same place as the characters in Harrison Bergeron. which was not a society of where everyone was equal. One can argue the positives and negatives of using science to change the ungifted but it all comes down to why do it? To make them feel more equal? Than you have to ask, Equal to …show more content…

The opportunity of freedom is a base for your life. It puts you in a position and gives you the time to look at yourself, to look at the world and to decide what you will do with your life. Everyone will look at life with a different approach. See life through different glasses. We all have our own approach to life and no matter what handicaps of scientifical fixes people try to do we can never be totally and fully equal to one another. All our differences put together form a community, a city and our

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