
Examining Cloud Computation Technologies Essay

Decent Essays

Cloud computing involves a lot of concepts and technologies. Companies and corporations such as Amazon, Google and Microsoft are providing services following the logic of computational infrastructure cloud computing, with Amazon the pioneer in providing and marketing infrastructure of this kind. The academic community has also shown interest in cloud computing, and some work has been directed to improvements in aspects of performance, security, usability, implementation and reliability of the system as a whole (Armbrust et al. 2009). Other work has developed new techniques to make adequate infrastructure to each context of cloud computing environments, among which we highlight the project Eucalyptus (Liu et al. 2007), developed by the …show more content…

Figure 1 illustrates the steps of MapReduce. Figure 1: The MapReduce system handles the processing through a master process whose function is to orchestrate the processing, manage the process of grouping records and distribute the blocks in a balanced manner. The MapReduce was implemented using C + + and has interfaces to Java and Python. The MapReduce was developed by Google but there are some open source implementations, among which stands out the Hadoop (Hadoop 2010). The Hadoop is a framework of free code in Java to run applications that manipulate large amounts of data in distributed environments. The Hadoop is composed by the file system HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and a parallel execution environment. Within this environment, or better, the Hadoop framework, several subprojects can be found, such as the implementation of MapReduce, the distributed data management system called HBase, data flow language r and structure for parallel execution called Pig. The main characteristics of the Hadoop are: distributed storage systems, file partitioned into large blocks is distributed on the nodes of the system, blocks replicated to handle hardware failure and a location for temporary data. Unlike other approaches to distributed file systems, the storage and processing of HDFS is done at each node of the system. Thus, using the Hadoop or MapReduce is relatively easy for a computer project working with

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