
Example Of Heroism In To Kill A Mockingbird

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According to Atticus Finch, heroism is “when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what. You rarely win, but sometimes you do.” If a first grader was asked what a hero was, the majority of them would respond: Spiderman, Superman, Batman, or any other of the endless marvel superheroes. However, heroes can be anyone. They can be your mom, dad, brother, friend, a new acquaintance, or anyone and everyone. In movies and books heroes usually have special qualities otherwise known as superpowers. Superpowers such as super strength, invisibility, they can walk through walls, or even fly. But in the real world where superheroes and superpowers do not exist, qualities that a hero possesses are varied. Bravery is an important quality attributed to heroes. For example, they speak out to facilitate change even if that means disagreeing with people. Heroes do things when nobody is looking and they are not trying to be noticed. Two examples of heroes in the Great Depression are Samuel Leibowitz and Judge James E. Horton. In 1931, nine African American boys were accused of raping two white women. These boys were innocent. The trials dragged on for six years. They became known as the Scottsboro Boys and people all over the country knew them. The …show more content…

In the examples above, the people were not thinking about themselves when they did what they did. They were thinking about the various people they could help. In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus defends an African American man named Tom Robinson. He knows he will be ridiculed and is going to be called unpleasant names, but he still takes his case. He knows life will become worse and that he’s not going to win, but he does it anyway. He says, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” Several other heroes perform the same action just not in the same

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