
Examples Of Irony In The Gravedigger's Handbook

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Part One 2. Irony —Irony refers to the difference between the way things seem to be and the way things are. What was ironic about the first book that Liesel “stole”? Also, what is ironic about Himmel Street? In the novel Liesle really wants to learn how to read. Liesel picks up this book called The Gravedigger's Handbook. She has grown very attached to this book. What’s ironic about this book is that she was at her dead brothers “ceremony” and she found the book that fell from the grave diggers pocket that’s all about how to bury dead people . For example it says “ Standing to Liesel’s left, the gravediggers were rubbing their hands together and whining about the snow and the current digging conditions… When he walked away, after a few dozen paces, a black book fell innocuously from his coat pocket without his knowledge” ( Zusak 23). This shows that it’s ironic because the diggers have this book about burying dead people, and they just buried Liesel’s brother. Liesel continues her journey through Himmel street. Himmel street means for …show more content…

In a book it usually appears at the end of a chapter to encourage the reader to continue on in the book. What is the cliffhanger at the end of Part Three? Was it effective? Why? Part three has an introduction for a new character coming into the story next. At the end of the chapter Zusak leaves the readers hanging about who’s coming in. For example it says “slowly, then the struggler leaned forward, his cheek against the wood and he removed the key from fist” (Zusak 170). This gives the reader a slight glance for what’s about to happen without giving information, so the reader gets interested and wants to read more. This Cliffhanger was very effective because we don’t know who this character is and why he’s opening the huberman's

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