
Examples Of Pathos And Logos In David Horsey

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Sitting on a bench in front of a popular franchise, the woman in the cartoon can’t help but feel discouragement and disbelief. In today's reality the difference between what's sexy and what's not, not only gives the mother a feeling of not being good enough but also effects how the mother chooses to feed her child. The use of pathos, ethos, and logos as well as the vivid imagery used a double standard today to determine that exposing breasts are okay if it is in a sexual way. Pathos is used to make viewers to feel sorry for a nursing woman. A security guard and a manager’s face of disgust and frustration evoke pity for the woman they are provoking. As their faces are of disgust the body tells another. Angered security guard needs to understand that he is in the wrong position. The manager shows how he is in charge and wants her to stop. The woman in the cartoon who probably feels threatened from Victoria Secret franchise behind her. She can't help but to become furious and hurt when two men approach her about breastfeeding in public. The woman confused as to why she is getting yelled at. Is in disbelieve that she is not exposing her breast while there is an image of breasts on the window behind her.
The creator David Horsey an editorial cartoonist is a prize-winning creator. Horsey is a cartoon politician who writes for Los Angela Time. Argues that even though breast can be a sexual item they are also for nurturing the offspring. Ethos in the image show how each

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