
Examples Of Perseverance In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Phoenix’s very name, which is derived from the name of the mythical Egyptian bird that is burned and resurrected from its own ashes, is the reader’s first hint at the character’s perseverance. Secondly, Phoenix is making this long, cold, difficult journey on foot, which is yet further testament to her determination. She is depicted as having “ skin [with]...a pattern all its own of numberless branching wrinkles and as though a whole little tree stood in the middle of her forehead,” and these connections between Phoenix and trees, which often represent endurance in nature, paint a vivid picture of the woman’s strength (Welty). Perseverance is even more so revealed when Phoenix is faced with the challenge of crossing a creek on a log, to which she says, ““Now comes the trial,”” and “leveling her cane fiercely before her like a festival figure in some parade, she began to march across” (Welty). After she has completed this feat, she remarks, almost proudly and with satisfaction, “'I wasn't …show more content…

She remarks that “The path ran up and hill,” saying that every time she gets this far, “there is chains about [her] feet” and “something always take a hold of [her] on this hill” (Welty). This quote informs the reader that not only is the path Phoenix is taking difficult and uphill, but also that she has made this journey many times before. The forest is beautiful, “deep and still” and sunny, yet it also serves as a hindrance to her progress. The difficulty of the path and setting combined with Phoenix’s continuation onward testify to her perseverant

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