
Examples Of Technology In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

I believe that the world is more closer to today in the 21st century and that Bradbury’s imagining of the future world was closer to the way it is today. Through the novel we saw many of examples of things in the Fahrenheit 451 world that are really close to the way they are in today’s real world. One example of this is how important technology is to people and how it has affected people’s social lives. Mildred in Fahrenheit 451 was a great example of this when Montag asked her ““Will you turn off the parlor” he asked. “That’s my family”” (Bradbury 48). Mildred is so caught up with the TV programs that they are almost like her family and that they are more important than Montag and she doesn’t have much of a social because of this. Another

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