
Explain The Steps Involved In A 4x100m Relay

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The various aspects when considering movement skill development include body control and awareness, technique, timing, anticipation and object manipulation. Body control is the ability to co-ordinate movements with precisions and balance and co-ordination are key. Whereas body awareness refers to the awareness and how conscious an individual is when performing an action. An element that can be claimed as the most important component involved in skill development is technique; as it is the method used to perform a skill and perform it well. Furthermore, anticipation is predicting what the impending actions will occur and timing is the way in which parts of a particular movement flow together. And lastly, object manipulation is the concern of …show more content…

In a relay, being aware of your feet is fundamental because if the feet leave the allocated lane or even touches the line, the team is disqualified. Also the runner must be aware of their surroundings to ensure competitors from other lanes are not touched. The runner must also be aware of the receiver’s position of body and hand in order to achieve a successful baton change. In a 4x100m relay, there is a 20m exchange zone so both the passer and receiver need to be aware of where the end of the zone is to make sure no disqualification occurs. Body awareness and body control are both fundamental movement skills for the 4x100m relay as they prevent disqualification, assist in maintaining coordination, balance, posture and agility and to ensure opponents are not disturbed throughout the …show more content…

Object manipulation is the ability to move and control an object used for the particular sport. At the beginning of the race, especially if starting in blocks and in a crouch position, being able to have a firm grip of the baton is essential and to maintain this grip until it is passed. Also, the ability to maintain that strong grip and have successful baton changes is extremely important. Although, if the baton is dropped at any time due to lack of object control, the team is not disqualified and can retrieve the baton and continue running, unless it leaves their lane. Without object manipulation when participating in a 4x100m relay, the team would impair placing and timing and also wouldn’t be able to have successful baton changes and starts which is why it is so

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