
Explain The Two Step Flow Theory

Decent Essays

The Two Step Flow theory dates back to the 1940s where Paul Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson and Hazel Gaudet wrote a book called People’s Choice that summarized the analysis of the November 1940 Presidential elections. The research revealed that people are more likely to be influenced by other people rather than the mass media. They called these ‘other’ people; opinion leaders. (Scannel, 2007). The theory is a key theory in understanding people’s decision making processes, in this case being the voting behaviours. The theory suggests that firstly, opinion leaders pay close attention to mass media and then they pass on their interpretation of media messages to the public, influencing their decisions. Unlike the hypodermic needle theory, the two step flow theory acknowledges that audiences are active participants in the communication process and are seen as a part of the society.

Having the theory defined, the question that the paper aims to dissects is how relevant is this theory in the world of modern communications today? In a paper presented in the 20th Annual Worldwide Web Conferencing in 2011, researchers who focussed on the social …show more content…

Started from analysing voting behaviour, it has been used in various fields ranging from modern technology and social media phenomena to politics, advertising, marketing and so on. The two step flow theory led to multi-step flow model referred to as Diffusion of Innovation which is defined as the “social process of how innovations become known and are spread throughout a social system over time”. (Severin and Tankard, 2001). The two step flow theory is hence a key theory in not only understanding and analysing decision making and interpersonal communication but helps put perspective in understanding mass communication and its various other

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