
Expressive Communication Analysis

Decent Essays

Communication can be defined as an imparting or exchanging of information; however, the topic reading for this week refers to communication as a way of thinking. To fully grasp this concept, communication must first be broken down into two major types: expressive and receptive. Expressive communication involves writing and speaking. In the accounting field, and sometimes if life, these forms are considered to have higher importance than others such as listening and reading. Accountants use expressive communication often, including when writing reports, office memos, and letters to clients. Also, speaking skills are used when testifying in court or giving recommendations in a board meeting. Although these actions are crucial to the success of …show more content…

While I do not have personal experience in the field, I have had to use a variety of similar skills as a general manager. The use of expressive skills is necessary when hosting team meetings, preparing catering quotes, emailing customers, and discussing issues with guests. I am able to speak intelligently while also controlling my tone, or mood, even in high tension situations. While my speaking skills are a great asset, I do need to improve my writing to feel better prepared for the accounting world. I can prepare quotes and emails with accuracy, but I feel that I lack in the persuasive and detail orientated writing sytles.As the general manager, I handled all customer interaction above the basic service level. This meant I needed to possess polished active listening skills. These skills allowed me to learn more about the customer and the issue at hand by analyzing hidden context clues; I consider these skills a huge asset. As for reading, I must constantly remind myself to slow down; otherwise, I occasionally miss details that are necessary to understanding the subject. During this course, I hope to utilize my communication assets, speaking and listening, while also improving other skill, writing and reading, to better succeed in the field of forensic

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