
Five Fingered Fannin Case

Satisfactory Essays

There has been a murder mystery in Ernie’s Lunchroom this Thursday afternoon. The racketeer named Five-Fingered Fannin had been shot by someone. The Five-Fingered Fannin was a racketeer. We think Customer C is guilty for shooting the Five Fingered Fannin. We have lots of evidence to prove it. The murderer had his right hand pressed against the wall. Customer C was also a lefty because his silverware was on the left side. The rule here is that Customer C’s silverware on the left side shows Customer C and the murderer were lefties. Customers B and D were righties so they could not have been the murderers. Customer A has not eaten his food and there were footprints near his stool leading to the kitchen. Since Customers B, C and D already ate, Customer A came after them, proving Customer A innocent …show more content…

Footprint X could have been made by the murderer because these footprints are close to the hand print on the wall and have a footprint coming from where Customers B, C and D sat. The right side of Footprint X is facing the wall, and so was the murderer, who we think was Customer C. If Footprint X belonged to Customer C as we suspected, Customer C walked to the wall and placed his right hand on it, shot the Five Fingered Fannin, then headed outside. Footprint Y is near the mop, therefore Footprint Y could have belonged to the Ernie, who was mopping, then took his money out of the register, then ran to the kitchen. Footprint Z is closest to where Customer A sat and the prints are leading to the kitchen. Footprint Z belongs to Customer A had just got his food and was scared by the gunshot so he ran to the kitchen for safety. Another piece of evidence is the amount of food on the plates. Customers B, C and D have finished eating, but Customer A has not. Customer A’s plate is full, meaning Customer A just arrived. Since Customer A was only present for a while before running to the kitchen, Customer A is

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