
Food Consumption And Cultural Identity Paper

Decent Essays

The experience of food consumption is something shared amongst all humans across the world; however it is also something that can separate or differentiate us from one another. Food is greatly intertwined with identity in that is our food choices can say a lot about our personality, What we eat and how we eat can reveal a lot about our personalities. In terms of culture, the foods we cosume or don't consume can play a role in defing our identity. Culture is defined as the values,beliefs and attitudes practiced and accepted by members of a group or community. Culture is something that is learned and not inherited. "Eating is a daily reaffirmation of one's cultural identity. Many people affiliate the foods from their culture, their childhood with warm, good feelings and memories. The food …show more content…

It ties us to our families and holds a special worth to a person. Foods from our culture, from our family often become the comfort foods we seek as adults in times of frustration and stress.' (Gina 2014) Culture identity does not only refer to the kinds of food that one may affiliate with certain racial or ethnic groups. A persons profession, socioeconomical status and educational background can also be identifiers of culture. For example in Canadian society, in social settings there are specific norms and requirments when dining which should be followed. There are specific ways food should be eatin and behaivours that should be practiced at the dinner table commonly known as manners or etiquette. In Canada proper etiquette goes against eating with your mouth open or helping yourself to someone elses plate. In

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