
Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Devices

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The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, written by Douglass himself, was about his experience with slavery all the way up to his escape. Douglass was born into slavery. He experienced and witnessed the bad of slavery. He spent his time in slavery focusing on his education so that he could become a free man. Douglass wrote this narrative to inform the public of the truths of slavery and his experience to persuade the readers that slavery is cold-blooded and cruel. Douglass uses many rhetorical devices throughout his narrative to show the reader why slavery was such a horrific time. He was very persuasive throughout and used rhetorical devices such as the rule of three, which was used to put emphasis on a variety of things good and bad, …show more content…

Anecdote is another device utilized by Douglass. The use of the anecdote was similar to the use of imagery. Douglass told many stories about people and the things he saw during his time as a slave.
These short descriptions or stories were to build his persuasion on the reader. The anecdotes he used led the reader to understand his point of view. In chapter 2 he recounts one of his masters who whipped his slaves just to see their children cry or just for the pleasure of it. He also tells us the story of the murder of his wife’s cousin. He vividly retold the story of her killing. He said things like “ mangling her person in the most horrible manner, breaking her nose and breastbone with a stick” and “most horrid murder”.
These anecdotes helped persuade the reader more because it showed how heartless slave masters were and how they cared nothing about the slaves. Following that, Douglass told another story about a cruel killing of a slave named Demby. Demby is a slave who is killed by Mr. Gore, who was an overseer.
Demby ran away from the whipping he was receiving from Mr.Gore and took shield in a stream. Gore threatened to shoot Demby if the he didn’tleave the stream by the count of three. When he saw

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