
Free College Research Paper

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Free college is a commonly accepted idea, as a crucial part of society's advancement. Education is the foundation for building a strong country, as knowledge is what allows for productivity in all areas of life. However, the cost and accessibility to standard higher education limits many people's availability to a quality schooling. Some may argue that public colleges should continue to charge tuition, as the federal government can not afford the cost nor will creating higher taxes to enable the program solve the crisis. However, ultimately, higher education should be free as it would stimulate economic growth, remove the primary deterrent for not attending college and decrease dependence on government aid. Those who oppose free higher education claim the government will not be able to finance such a project and raising taxes would be equally as unsuccessful. Believing that limiting deductions for upper-income tax filers will only, “raise the cost of college even further and shift the burden to hardworking taxpayers” (Meckier and Mitchell). However, it has been proven that when the government invests in free education it generates more profit. The GI Bill that authorized the free education of two million veterans led to high …show more content…

The current cost of college is a deterrent for many potential world changers. The hundreds of thousands of dollars are “why so many bright young people don’t go to college, don’t finish or graduate deeply in debt” (sanders). The potential for this world to advance in greater areas are tainted by the extreme costs for higher education, forty percent of low income students do not even attend college even after they are accepted (Hechinger Report). Many who could have possibly fulfilled high ranking positions currently have their talents squandered in a lower establishments because their abilities were never built upon as it would, if that individual went to

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