
Comparing Two Creation Stories

Decent Essays

In the book of Genesis, we are introduced to everything. From the creation stories to the sagas in between Genesis is an opening to the old testament and an opening to the book of exodus. This essay will contrast each creation story and describe each stories interest, explain how Genesis 12: 1-3 links the stories of 2: 4b-11 with the ancestral narratives in 12-50 and connect the sagas of Abraham/Sarah, Isaac/ Rebecca and Jacob/ Racheal. The first creation story is found in Genesis 1-2:4 and it explains how God created the world from a void of darkness in six days of work. On day one God made the heavens. On day two God made the sky. On day three God made land and sea. On day four God created time. On day five God made marine creatures. One …show more content…

In the second creation story Gods interest was to find man a partner stating “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper as his partner” (Genesis 2:18). God attempted to bring every animal in creation to the man in hopes that they would fit as a good partner but they did not. The LORD than decided to make a creature for man to partner with stating “then he took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. And the rib that the LORD God had taken from the man he made into a woman” (Genesis 2:21-22) Thus making man a fitting partner. The calling of Abraham in 12:1-3 is shown as a bridge to link 2:4b-11 and the ancestral narrative of 12-50 because it explains the human problem and the divine solution. In Genesis 2:4b-11 God noticed that as mankind began to reproduce they became more and more wicked because of their selfishness and arrogance (Human Problem). God decided to wipe them out and start fresh stating “Now the Earth was corrupt in God’s sight and the earth was filled with violence”. Before God ended flesh he saved Noah and his family because of their holiness by allowing them to aboard an ark so that they could multiply the Earth with people of holiness. When Noah’s family was told to be fruitful and multiply, Abraham was born by Noah’s grandson Terah. This links to the ancestral narrative placed in 12-50 because they are consisted of

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