
Googling's Argument Of Homework Doesn T Work

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It was late at night, about 11 p.m, and Savannah sat in her room in distress about to burst out into tears any second. Piles of homework sat beside her eyeing her down waiting for her to finish, but she could barely keep her eyes open. While everyone else in her household was sound asleep she was awake, but overworked and stressed out. As she picked up her pencil an idea sparked inside her head. What if I just google the worksheet? She thought to herself. Before she knew it she was googling the answers one by one. Googling answers and cheating soon became a habit for the rest of the year. Altogether, the excessive amount of homework can lead to stress and health problems, lack of social and physical activity, and may cause cheating or other behavioral issues. …show more content…

Stress can lead to many health problems especially for young children, such as depression, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Most graduates have 2 or more hours of homework every night which causes stress and overwhelms learners, especially students in younger grades. The pain caused by homework isn't just emotional. Carl Glassman, father of two girls who attend public school in New York City, reports that last year his eldest daughter missed much of her first semester in sixth grade because of pneumonia, "due to the fact that she was doing homework until 11 every night." She got pneumonia due to the fact of staying up late every night doing homework. On the other hand, Antagonists believe that homework develops responsibilities. However, doing class work and being responsible during class and doing chores at home develop more responsibilities instead of doing the unnecessary amount of homework that overpowers them. To conclude, scholars should not be given homework because it causes stress which leads to lack of sleep and

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