
Grendel's Flaws In Beowulf

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Throughout his battles with Grendel and his mother, Beowulf shows that beyond a doubt he is the strongest warrior in the land, yet he displays serious flaws in his character that could have cost him that title. Beowulf is very strategic; the weapons he uses, the location in which he battles even the monsters he chooses to battle are all chosen to prove himself to be the best. In his first battle with the monster Grendel, Beowulf easily and confidently defeats his enemy, yet in this battle with the monster’s mother, he faces his flaws dead on. Beowulf always emerges as the hero, at least on the outside.
The environment in which Beowulf battled his enemies, played a critical role in the way Beowulf defeated the monsters and found victory. In …show more content…

Going into his battle with Grendel, Beowulf exhibits a level of pride far beyond that of an average man. He decides to battle Grendel bare handed, as a way to even out the playing field between him and his opponent. Even being the monster that he has made himself out to be, Grendel is no match to Beowulf “Knew at once that nowhere on earth/Had he met a man whose hands were harder/His mind was flooded with fear-but nothing/Could take his talons and himself from that tight/Hard grip” (Raffel 27.433-437) In the end, Beowulf proves himself to be the strongest in the land with his victory over Grendel. When it came to battling Grendel’s mother, it is clear that Beowulf’s pride and comfort isn’t as high as it was in his previous battle. In this battle Beowulf decides to wear armor and fight with a sword. Despite his attempts and strength, neither his sword or his bare hands, which had defeated the witch’s son, could defeat Grendel’s mother. No weapon of Beowulf’s world could stand against her. It wasn’t until he used a sword belonging to her world, that he was able to be victorious, “Then he saw, hanging on the wall, a heavy/Sword, hammered by giants, strong/And blessed with their magic, the best of all weapons/But so massive that no ordinary man could lift” (Raffel 32.634-636). Both battles ended in victory but the last shed light on Beowulf’s weakness in …show more content…

The Bible states that no man should feel jealous toward their neighbor, in fact envy is one of the seven deadly sins. Grendel is the manifestation of this sin. Being the descendant of the tribe of Cain, it is written that Grendel pay the price of his ancestors sins . He would be an outcast and like his ancestor, full of jealousy, “Conceived by a pair of those monsters born/Of Cain, murderous creatures banished/By God, punished forever for the crime/Of Abel’s death.” (Raffel 14.20-23). Being defeated by Beowulf, the “Jesus-like” figure, Grendel signifies the destruction of sin, the merciless destroyer of people. Grendel’s mother did not symbolize sin, but rather the consequence of disobedience toward the social norm. Women in the Anglo-Saxon days were seen as “peace weavers” and loving beings. They were a sign of peace and yet Grendel’s mother, in an attempt to get revenge for her son, attacks Grendel, “Squatting with her weight on his stomach, she drew/A dagger, brown with dried blood, and prepared/ To avenge her son” ( Raffel 32. 621-623). In the end, the vengeful woman is taken down by a stronger, more intelligent

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