
Guilt In Macbeth Essay

Decent Essays

Shakespeare’s tragedy Macbeth explores different themes and techniques to teach the readers that power and kingship overshadows the grief and regret occurring prior to the murders. This is done by using powerful emotions including fear, remorse and ambition which was integrated throughout the text to convey how dangerous Macbeth’s ambitions can be and how it leads to the destruction of himself and his wife, Lady Macbeth. Through their ambitious actions they have to deal with the consequences of guilt and regret discovering that murder was primarily against their nature. One of the main techniques that Shakespeare has used throughout this text is imagery, in particular the intense graphic detail of the murders to make the audience feel Macbeth’s …show more content…

Shakespeare personalised the text, so the audience is given access to Macbeth’s thoughts both conscious and subconscious. Throughout the whole play Macbeth was feeling pressured to determine his position of kingship by murdering the current king and anyone that stands in his way of guaranteeing that leadership role. Macbeth, generally kind-hearted in nature, felt restricted and uncomfortable about this task that his wife, Lady Macbeth, pressured him into. Lady Macbeth, a cruel, witty and overly controlling wife, questions his manhood and leadership skills to convince him to take upon this role. After committing such crimes Macbeth led into a state of depression However, strangely, Lady Macbeth was the one towards the final acts of the production to display the considerable amount of grief. She constantly had a cloud of guilt surrounding her. A motif used in this instance is Blood. Shakespeare constantly used this motif throughout the text to constantly remind the audience of the guilt and how serious their actions are. As the guilt of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth intensifies so does the use of blood throughout the text being used as an imagery technique, showing the consistent guilt laid upon them. Showing the theme guilt and the motif blood throughout the script, Shakespeare has once again achieved the power of kingship overshadowing the use of guilt for Macbeth, disregarding Lady Macbeth’s severe guilt that she encounters in the final acts of the

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