
Essay about Half the Sky

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1) How would you convey the message of the book “Half the Sky” to family, friends, and colleagues?
This book is a crucial dose of reality for those of us that are spoiled by the comforts we have grown used too. Nicholas D. Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn explain in the book “Half the Sky” why empowering women in the developing world is ethically right and extremely vital.It is a gripping story of how customs and culture have historically oppressed women. The strength of the human rights movement and of actual change across all cultures is going to be asteadfast task of courageous women who give themselves permission to say no to so many years of unthinkable tyrannical cultural customs and fight for a new way of life. Many of us close our eyes …show more content…

Mahabouba was affected by gender discrimination because she was female. Females are not treated as equals in these types of countries. Mahabouba is from Western Ethiopia, a country that is poor and has been ravaged time again by famine, genocide, and war. “Only a fourth of all children regularly go to school. School is free, but schoolbooks, school supplies and school clothes are not.”(Abagond, 2009)Mahabouba’s aunt did not educate her and instead treated her like a servant. “In the Ethiopian countryside, if a young man has an eye on a girl but doesn’t have a bride price, or if he doubts the girl’s family will accept him, then he and several friends kidnap, the girl, and he rapes her.” (Kristof, Nicholas D and WuDunn, Sheryl, 2009)This improves his bargaining position because he has ruined her and she will find it difficult to marry anyone else. 6) How is gender discrimination in the United States different from the discrimination women and girls face in “Half the Sky”? How is it similar?
During the early history of the United States, a man virtually owned his wife and children as he did his material possessions. However, women in America fought to change that and now we have laws like Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to protect us while women in countries like Ethiopia, India, Thailand, etc. do not. According to the Council on Women and Girls, attacks on women by their intimate partners have fallen since the passage of the Violence

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