
Handmaids Tale Rules In Life

Satisfactory Essays

Rules in Life Most people don’t like following rules. Some people don’t mind following rules. Everyone can relate to the quote in The Handmaid’s Tale “A rat in a maze is free to go anywhere, as long as it stays inside the maze.” (165) We want to be free, but we have these walls around us that won’t let us do what we want. I believe that people are the rat and that the walls are rules. Over time people figure that rules are walls that won’t budge. This is all hard to understand right now, but in the future people will understand what it means. People would be the rats in the maze because people are moving around the world doing as they please inside of legal limits as if they are a rat in free to go anywhere in a maze. Rules can be simple, …show more content…

When people read the content around this quote, they will read that Ofglen and Offred are walking around the city going in many different directions and making different routes around the city. The one thing that they can’t do, no matter how much they want to, is to leave the city all because of the laws that the City of Gilead made. That is why I translated people as the rats, and rules as the walls in the maze. The reason is that as people we want to have fun, do thing we never did, and go places we never been, but because of some rules we cannot go to certain places, and do certain things. Just like the rat in the maze. This translation of the quote has a personal aspect that most people can relate to. When we were kids, we all want to go to a friend’s house or a party, but we couldn’t because our parents put their foot down. It was their house and their rules, and we had to follow. When people were in their teens, they just started to rebel and got in trouble for it. An example would be that if I got caught drinking underage which most people did, I would be in serious trouble and probable couldn’t go anywhere after school till I graduated. That is why I didn’t drink underage or get caught. I stayed with the walls of the maze so that I wouldn’t get in

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