
Higher History Women

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Model Answer "Changing attitudes in Britain Society towards women was the major reason why some women received the vote in 1918". How accurate is this view? During the 1900s, many women were beginning to stand up for themselves and no longer wanted to be inferior to men. Prior to 1918, women were disrespected and under - valued in society. There was a change in attitudes towards women as the image of the "New Women" began to arise. They were becoming involved in various different jobs, having the ability to be better educated and get involved in politics. However, this view that the "New Women" was the only factor that contributed to women getting the vote is untrue. Women began their own campaigns in order to get the vote. This included …show more content…

Their quiet persuasion gained alot of support. Also, only two weeks before the out break of the World War, the Suffragists were negotiating with the Government over their right to vote. However, there was alot of anti-suffrage from people, for example Queen Victoria and working class men. Moreover, due to great frustration the Suffragettes were formed as their vote was still not passed. Between 1909 and 1914 the motto of their campaign had expanded - "Deeds not Words". This meant that peaceful methods were abolished by them and militant tactics were reforced, such as smashing windows, pepper bombing various places and setting fire to pillar boxes. Their aim was to be recognised all over Britain as they were desperate for the vote. The death of one of the dedicated followers, Emily Davison led to the Hunger campaign. This resulted to force feeding in prisons as the members refused to eat whilst they suffered from imprisonment. Furthermore, this resulted in the Temporary Discharge Act in 1912, which is also known as the "Cat and Mouse Act". Therefore, the Suffragettes gained alot of publicity and sympathy for the women's suffrage as women were dying or suffered from a great deal of pain for their beliefs. This also put pressure on politicians to appease women. However, their was distinct male back-lash against the Suffragette as they were vigorously violent and seemed undeserving of the vote due to their methods. Martin

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