
Hot Coffee Case Study Answers

Decent Essays

In this paper, I discuss questions based on the case study entitled “Hot Coffee”. The case study is about a 79-year-old, a one Stella Liebeck who was in the passenger seat of her grandson’s car when she ordered a 49 cent cup of coffee at the drive-through of a McDonald’s franchise in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shortly after that, she spilled the coffee into her lap and sustained a series of burns. In following questions, I will attempt to provide my views. 1. What does caveat emptor mean? According to this doctrine, who is responsible for Stella Liebeck’s burns? Explain. Caveat emptor is a term denoting “Let the buyer beware.” As a doctrine, it means the consumer alone is responsible for the quality of the product purchased …show more content…

In contractual law and ethical principles at all material times, vendors or manufacturers are assumed to adhere to the minimal applicable standard of care and engaged in reasonable conduct to extend to their consumers. It is expected that a 79 old should be in a better position to make a right decision. It is possible that was not the first time she had bought the coffee. She ought to know. A contractual law is intended to protect the consumer from defective products regarding quality and quantity. If the coffee was within the of 135-degree Celsius the expected, however, from the case coffee was served at 185 degree Celsius which is deemed hot enough to cause third-degree burns, this is was killer and made MacDonald liable for the damages. 4. In general terms, what does it mean to claim that an implicit contract arises around a transaction? How does that contract protect the consumer? Contracts establish an enforceable contractual relationship between parties, in this case, a consumer and producer. Although most contracts are written, there are terms that are not written which establish rights and obligations on the producer/seller (Legal-Dictionary, 2018). The liability rose due to gross negligence, for willful and wanton disregard of the rights, safety, and welfare of Stella Liebeck for purchase coffee in the defective state in which

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