
How Beowulf Is A Hero

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Beowulf is a Hero Beowulf is the classic example of a modern hero. He exhibits all traits a hero should have. Throughout his epic poem, Beowulf constantly performs acts of bravery. The readers get to learn about his undeniable strength, too. He is also very loyal to the people that he loves and respects. Beowulf’s bravery, strength, and loyalty present him as a hero. Beowulf showed he was a brave hero from youth to death. He always puts his life in the face of danger in order to protect innocent people. Beowulf even tells the Queen of Danes “This was my thought, when my thanes and I/ bent to the ocean and entered our boat,/ that I would work the will of your people/ fully, or fighting fall in death,” (Beowulf, Chp 9). Beowulf was actually willing to die in order to save others. Bravery is making serious sacrifices that may hurt, but will be worth it in the end. Beowulf showed bravery by continually sacrificing his life. …show more content…

The reader sees this strength when he battles with Grendel. Grendel took on groups of soldiers with weapons and he still won. Beowulf strength helped him conquer Grendel with no weapons or other soldiers. In the story, it was said “—he has thirty men’s/ heft of grasp in the gripe of his hand, / the bold-in-battle.” (Beowulf, Chp 6) This meant he had the strength of thirty men in his one body. The reader also sees his strength when he spends most of a day swimming to Grendel’s mom’s lair to take revenge. Also, he shows strength in his old age by killing the dragon while he himself is dying. Strength is very important in a hero; not only physical, but mental and emotional. Beowulf portrayed all three strengths as a

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