
How Does Beowulf Fight

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When Beowulf fights, he always has a reason. Beowulf is a strong, brave and heroic figure to the Danes. He is always looking to protect them. Beowulf encounters three fights and uses different methods, techniques, and weapons for each one. He uses these to show that sometimes doing the same thing over again doesn't always work.
Beowulf’s first fight was against his greatest enemy, Grendel. The fight starts out with Beowulf, looking for Grendel, and finding him. When he finds Grendel, he attacks. Beowulf has come to kill the beast that has been terrorizing his people. The fight goes on until Beowulf, with his superhuman strength, tears off Grendel’s arm. Grendel is left badly wounded. He knows he cannot fight anymore and heads back to his home to die. Grendel’s death was probably Beowulf’s greatest victory.
The second fight Beowulf had was with Grendel’s mother. Beowulf is looking to do the same with Grendel’s mother as he did with Grendel. He goes underwater looking for her in her cave. As Beowulf is heading towards her cave, she suddenly attacks him and drags him down to her cave. Beowulf tries to strike at her with his sword but misses. He gets angry and charges at her with his bare hands. Beowulf knocks Grendel’s mother down but …show more content…

When fighting Grendel, Beowulf uses a method of finding Grendel and killing him so his people will not have worry anymore. He also does it to earn more fame. This shows his strength. Before Beowulf kills grendel’s mother in his second fight he shows weakness. He uses a technique of using the giant sword he finds to kill Grendel’s mother. He also uses it to cut off Grendel’s head. When he does it he wins the “trophy’ of Grendel’s head. During Beowulf’s last fight he uses the method of never giving up on a fight when presented. Beowulf shows his death. He always wanted to be the hero his people knew him as, and now his people will always remember him as that

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