
How Online Brand Communication And Customer Engagement Influence A Consumer 's Decision Purchase

Decent Essays

Research Question:
“How online brand communication and customer engagement influence a consumer’s decision purchase.”

The marketing strategy of branding is not a new concept. A company’s brand is not a logo, or a tag line, but rather the relationship it has with its customer base, it is in essence not how a company defines itself – but how the public defines it. With every interaction and every customer touch point a business shapes its brand identity, and participants in this exchange are known as a brand community. Where the development and monetization of the internet have allowed businesses to expand into new forms of customer engagement, these types of online interactions can be the deciding factor in a consumer’s ultimate decision to purchase and/or become brand ambassadors. Through research on business’ social media strategies, cultivating online communities and curating content via corporate websites and paid advertising I hope to discover how this type of business to consumer communication supports and replacement to the in-person shopping experience. Additionally, how these types of communications weigh against a consumers ultimate decision to purchase, focusing how these online communications is utilized as a means to expand consumer brand interaction
To provide a rounded perspective, in addition to the eight required academic sources I selected supplemental, industry-based materials as a means of delivering a robust framework for strategies on brand loyalty and

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