
How To Shut Down Your Screen Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Do Not Shut Down Our Screens Surprisingly many people do not believe in screen time because in their eyes it takes away from many things like education. How can people say this when most don’t have strong evidence? Disagreeing with this statement is hard to do but there is strong evidence to prove how screen time is more beneficial than not. Schools should take part in the national “Shut Down Your Screen Week” because devices give us new skills, quick access to information, and stronger relationships. Devices give people new skills that could be used in the real world. A very important skill is finding information; according to new imaging studies “the brains of internet users become more efficient at finding information.” Being able to find information quickly is something that can help many people in school and work. Games are something that are providing us skills …show more content…

Google is a great example of something that gives people quick access to information. All of the opportunities it offers us is phenomenal “google lets us find the relevant pieces instantly… useful information about pretty much any subject imaginable” is offered to us at the tips of our fingers. Digging through a textbook is something most teenagers do not want to do if they had the option to quickly look it up. . Being online makes people quickly connected to others which usually can strengthen relationships and friendships. Many who use social media seem to have “more close confidants… friends and was half as likely to feel lonely”. Online connectivity makes people feel they can let all of their secrets out to trusted friends. Making friends online can make people want to go out of the house, according the article Social Media as Community “people using technology spent an impressive amount of time outside the house.” Building strong relationships is easy on

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