
Human Behavior And Sexual Relationships Essay

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In today’s society, a lot of emphasis are put on the bodily appearance of an individual, specifically in relation to deciding on a mate. Additionally, people are very picky in relation to choosing mate. Human behavior is determined in large part by culture each human way of life has a unique set of norms, rituals, and taboos associated with selecting a mate. People also have a uniquely good sized potential to have interaction in sexual relationships for cultural motives with no intentions of reproduction. For a few human beings this may expand to participants of the identical sex.
In this lab we examined the variations in desire of mate between ladies and men. We had been to determine which developments/values each men and women value the most when picking a someone special.

Methods: For the first a part of this lab we examined which traits/developments had been critical to which gender. To do that, all the people in the lab where told to fill out a Human mate questioner. On the questioner, there was a listing of attributes: Friends Approve, Wealth, Academic Achievement, Ambition, Intelligence, Physique, Fashion Sense, Sense of Humor, Shared Values, Fidelity Commitment. The class were to rank the attributes from 1 which is the most critical to 10 which is the least critical. Everybody then turned in there results into the teacher who then calculated the averages. Primarily based on those averages we could decide how women and men pick their mates. Some of the attributes

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