
Human Pig Chimera Research Paper

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The dawn of 2017 saw the first created human-pig chimera. In Cell, scientists reported to have created the chimera by injecting pig embryos with human stem cells. While this scientific breakthrough offers a potential solution to the organ shortage problem, is creating human-pig chimeras an ethical solution?

Despite medical and technological advances, the demand for organs continues to be greater than the supply. “On average, 22 people die each day while waiting for a transplant, [and although] 95% of U.S. adults support organ donation, only 48% are actually [registered] as donors.”

Proponents of creating human-pig chimeras for organ transplantation argue that once this breakthrough is perfected, medicine will no longer need to rely solely …show more content…

This question depends entirely on whether human-pig chimeras qualify as being human or not. “Currently, there are few restrictions on the patenting of life forms and human tissues in the United States. [While human beings are not patentable under the Constitution, in Diamond v. Chakrabarty, the Supreme Court held that man-made organisms not found in nature are patentable.] Under this rule, the Board of Patent Appeals in Ex parte Allen held that multicellular animals [are] also patentable.” What this means, is that instead of focusing on sentient life and insentient matter, the Court chose to distinguish what occurs in nature from what occurs as a byproduct of human intervention. Furthermore, it is an open legal question as to whether human-animal chimeras are patentable if human-animal chimeras are considered to be partially …show more content…

While the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) “maintains social media channels to share information with” the public, this tool can be better utilized. One way to accomplish this is by relaunching the Facebook organ donor initiative. In 2012, “Facebook agreed to alter its timeline platform to allow members to specify their status as an organ donor…[Facebook also] provided the member with a link to officially register, access more information and a message inviting a member’s friends to donate.” This platform was a success and should also be launched on Twitter, LinkedIn, and photos about the platform could be showed on Instagram.

Aside from these state level approaches, 3D printing offers a promise for increasing available organs. This promise was validated in 2016, when a toddler from Northern Ireland became the “first to have a life-saving adult kidney transplant, using 3D printing.” While much work still needs to be done, printed organs, in addition to other proposed solutions, are alternatives to creating human-pig chimeras for organ transplantation.

While some view the use of human-pig chimeras as a solution to the organ shortage problem, the demand for organs should “not dictate the solution.” Instead of continuing to manipulate animals and cause them to suffer even further by the hands of human beings, we should try to find alternative solutions

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