
Human Trafficking And The United States Essay

Decent Essays

As we separated our pubescent selves from the clutches of overbearing Britain we promised our civilians liberty in apparent abundance. We went so far as to build our country off of the foundation of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Unfortunately, the constant question remains, are we actually granted these three rights? Are all Americans subject to complete freedom? If one answered yes they would be sadly mistaken. Underground in our united land we face a severe issue that questions one’s liberties. We have slavery in this country, the most prominent type being sexual slavery, enforced through prostitution and human trafficking. Human trafficking and prostitution are severe undercurrents that surge rapidly in the United States despite common belief.
Slavery in the United States was not only the element of physical labor, it was the constant reminder of one’s inferiority. It was common for caucasian masters to have sexual relations with their slaves in a forced and cruel manner. Normally, enslaved women faced most of the sexual abuse; however, there were plenty of men and boys that were exploited sexually by their masters, overseers, and other white authorities. Slaves at this time period not only endured the brutality of their masters committing the deed, but their masters would forcibly pair “strong, healthy” slaves with one another and thrusted them into forced reproduction, thinking it would create the perfect specimen for physical labor. When it came down to

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