
Research Paper About Human Trafficking

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Human trafficking, or the selling and buying of people, is a well-hidden yet prominent issue within today’s society. It is both an immoral and horrific topic that needs brought to attention and dealt with. When human beings are manipulated into work, sexual servitude, or economic hardship, human trafficking is occurring. In the year of 2006, only one individual is convicted of human trafficking per 800 victims (UNGIFT). By looking at straight statistics, reasons human trafficking happens, and the toll it has on people, it is very clear that this is a major issue that is happening in our world. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem. From California to Australia, it happens. “161 countries are reported to be affected by human …show more content…

“43% of victims are used for forced commercial sexual exploitation, of whom 98% are women and girls” (UNGIFT). Women and girls are ensnared in sex trafficking in a variety of ways. Some are lured in with offers of real and legal work in restaurants, massage parlors, or anything else. Others are promised marriage, education and a better life. Still others are sold into trafficking by boyfriends, friends, neighbors or even parents (SOROPTMIST). Many of the girls and women are also forced into pornography. With all of the types of sexual exploitation comes abuse. Sexual, physical, and emotional are all types of abuse put onto females in human trafficking. Many people traffic others in hopes of getting money, work done, or just pure pleasure. Even though sexual exploitation is a major problem, it is not always obvious when it happens. Some sex trafficking is highly visible, such as street prostitution. But many trafficking victims remain unseen, operating out of unmarked areas in unsuspecting, and sometimes high class, neighborhoods. Girls have been forced into prostitution in Toledo, Atlanta, Wichita, Los Angeles, and other cities and towns across America (5 Things to Know about Human Trafficking). Sex traffickers may also operate out of a variety of public and private places, such as massage parlors, spas and strip clubs. Trafficking organizations can vary from single individuals to complex networks. Much concern has focused on large-scale

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