
Human Trafficking Is The Illegal Movement Of Men, Women,

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Human trafficking is the illegal movement of men, women, and children who are forced into labor or more commonly, commercial sexual exploitation. Every year people fall into the hands of traffickers, in that person’s country or abroad. The penalty can be up to 10 years to life depending on the severity of the offense or case. Some forms of sex trafficking are more visible than others such as street prostitution. Although most types go unseen, for example, unmarked brothels in unsuspected places, most reasons for people, mainly men, to start human trafficking is because in some areas it can produce a good profit because opportunities for education and legitimate employment are very limited. “the greatest numbers of traffickers are from …show more content…

Then the recruiter will stop giving detail about what is going on a does not give specific information and “he moves fast when he knows he has her trust and affection” (Crozier). More recently a big way women have been recruited is from social media. Worldwide traffickers are using social media to connect with teenagers and adult women who are vulnerable enough to tell the recruiter everything he or she wants to hear. Social media has been a big issue with the law enforcement because some of the applications that are used to do these things are very hard to trace and find the source of the problem. “online messaging service WhatsApp with 900 million users, social media has opened up a new world for traffickers” (Whiting). With the messaging apps, the recruiters lure the girls in and then force them into sex work. Another big way these men or women have such an easy time recruiting these girls is by showing or telling them things that were never experienced before because of the girls’ previous home or just in general life. The recruiters do this by being loving and caring and even giving them a place to stay. “Very often the lack of family love, self-esteem, or appreciation of encouragement make people more vulnerable to human trafficking” (Crozier). That method of recruitment has resulted into millions of individuals around the world to be forced

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