
I-123 Dbg Case Study Answers

Satisfactory Essays

I-123 MIBG Information and Instructions for the Physician 1. Assure the patient is not pregnant or breast feeding 2. Order Lugol’s solution to be taken as follows: • Three (3) drops, three (3) times a day for three (3) days starting the day before the study. 3. The following groups of medications must be withheld as indicated prior to the I-123 MIBG injection: • Anti-hypertensive – 2 weeks prior to study • Tricyclic antidepressants and related drugs – 6 weeks prior to study • Sympathetic-amines – 2 weeks prior to study • Cocaine – 2 weeks prior to study 4. There is no dietary restrictions for this study 5. The patient should arrive 30 minutes prior to appointment time to allow enough time for the registration process. 6. Whole-body imaging …show more content…

Notify your physician if you could be pregnant or if you are breastfeeding. 2. Follow the physician’s instruction regarding the Lugol’s solution: • Three (3) drops, three (3) times a day for three (3) days starting the day before the study. 3. Follow your physician’s instructions regarding your medication. 4. There is no food or drink restrictions for this study. 5. Please, arrive at the Outpatient Registration Desk 30 minutes prior to your appointment. What to expect the day of your study: After registration process, you will be escorted to the Outpatient Waiting Area. From there, a nuclear medicine technologist will escort you to the Nuclear Medicine Department. Once in the department, the technologist will explain the procedure, address any questions or concerns you may have about the procedure, and discuss with you the return times for the following two (2) days. Your return times will be as close as possible to 24 hours and 48 hours from the time of injection. Next, the technologist will start an IV and inject you with the radiopharmaceutical (MIBG) used for the study. After the injection, the technologist will escort you back to the Outpatient Waiting Area and remind you to return at your assigned time the following

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