
I am Arabic, I am an American! Essay

Decent Essays

After many hours of dissecting my own thoughts and ideas about the terrorist acts against my country, the United States of America, I have decided that there is no right or wrong way to handle the situation. The fact is, something just has to be done. I have studied our involvement in World War II, but the attack on the World Trade Center has really affected me. I grew up with the idea that although German- and Japanese-American citizens are innocent, many of us still have stereotypes about them. Why? What is so hard for us to give up stereotypes? Will our society ever be able to accept people of every race and color?

On September 11, 2001, my life was interrupted when I heard the news of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade …show more content…

In religion class the day after the attack, the question, "What should we do with the Arab-American citizens?" was asked. I felt nauseated. What did that question mean, and why was it asked? My grandfather, "Shid-thie," is from Lebanon, an Arabic country. In fact, he fought for America in World War II. How could anyone question him? Then it hit me - I am Arabic also. Any Arabic person I have met has welcomed me as if I were family, a custom Arabs live by. Now people are making it seem everyone should watch their backs whenever Arabic or Middle Eastern people are around because they may be accomplices.

It makes me very sad to turn on the TV and hear stories about innocent Arab Americans being held at gunpoint by other Americans. These are the same Arabs whose hearts were struck with sadness after hearing about the attack. What right do people have to pass judgment? I am Arabic, I have nothing to hide.

As my religion class progressed, my teacher ex-plained to me that although I am only a quarter Arabic, I would have been sent to a work camp if this were World War II and it had been the Arabs who had attacked us. Many of the girls actually agreed that this was the answer to our problem - send all Arabs "back" or put them in camps.

How could I ever judge someone by what they looked like rather than who they are? This is by far the biggest lesson I have learned

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