
IDS 101 Week 1: Critical Analysis

Decent Essays

In this final essay I have included works from IDS 101 Course: Essay collection week 1 titled Self-Reflection Profile Essay, week 2 Titled Critical Analysis Essay, and Week 7 Final Research project. I have also included three of, what I consider, my best discussion posts. Throughout my eight weeks in IDS 101 cornerstone, I have learned principles and techniques related to critical thinking, research writing, and digital communications. Within critical thinking I have learned critical thinking skills such as how to communicate appropriately through the use of writing. some of those skills include writing to discover patterns, find new ways of tackling a project, even to improve a new way of thinking (The Craft of research p.14). Some …show more content…

For example, an instructional manual on how to repair car, or fix an appliance is considered a research paper, since someone had to investigate how to do it. Moreover, I was specially interested in the learning about how my writing and thinking could improve by foreseeing my reader’s critical questions (p.13). Some of the principles I learned were to write up my research in a standard form that is recognized by the community, such as writing for the general public, or lawmakers. Wording and use of terms is therefore matched to the audience educational level. Another technique I learned was to summarize my research paper into three main points “1) What you are writing about 2) What you don’t know about it 3) why you want your reader to know and care about it” (p46). Additionally, I found this last technique helpful in creating my thesis statement. In the course study program of the Cornerstone class, I learned how to perform research using the appropriate article research tools. Some of these tools are the school’s library, Google Scholar search engine, and websites that reside in the domain of .Gov, .Edu, .Net. Furthermore, I learned the value of submitting my third draft to E-tutoring, and also use my teacher’s invaluable

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