
Identity Theft Is An Important Factor

Decent Essays

Identity theft is the deliberate use of someone else 's identity, usually as a method to gain a financial advantage or obtain credit and other benefits in the other person 's name, and perhaps to the other person 's disadvantage or loss. The person whose identity has been assumed may suffer adverse consequences if they are held responsible for the perpetrator 's actions. Identity theft occurs when someone uses another 's personally identifying information, like their name, identifying number, or credit card number, without their permission, to commit fraud or other crimes.

When people think of identity theft, more often than not they assume that it only happens to wealthy people. Who would bother stealing the identity of a college student who can barely make ends meet? The harsh reality of the matter is that anyone can be a victim. College students are particularly vulnerable, because they are most likely to be careless or unaware where their credit reports are concerned. The fact that they don’t expect to be targeted by identity thieves is an important factor. The more you know, the more you are able to prevent identity theft from happening to you. According to the US Federal Trade Commission, majority of the reports they receive on identity theft were filed by victims aged 20 to 29.

Take note of these eight types of identity theft and protect yourself.
1.) Financial Identity Theft
Financial ID Theft When people hear the words “identity theft”, often times

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