
Immigrants And Immigrants

Decent Essays

There are more immigrants incarcerated than natural born citizens.
There are approximately 43 million immigrants in the United States and about 11 million are illegal. Compared to the total American population, only seven percent of the nation’s population are non-citizens. Approximately 22 percent of inmates in federal prison are non-citizens. (Perez)
There are 43 million immigrants in the United states but the immigrant population can only compare at seven percent to the total Unites states population. There is a major disproportion comparing the total population of citizens and immigrants. Although there is a larger disparity between the percentage of immigrants and citizens total population, federal prison is composed of 22 percent of immigrants. The percentage of immigrants in federal prison have a smaller disparity between immigrants and citizens. Compared to the population of immigrants and the population of citizens, immigrants have a larger scale of immigrants in federal prison per immigrant population that the rate of citizens in federal prison per natural born citizens population.
One quarter of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican descendant and also more than 40 percent of all inmates in Arizona and 48 percent in New Mexico jails. (Peter B. Gemma)
These statistics show that there are high percentages of immigrants in these states. These states are bordering the foreign countries that have weak border

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