
Importance Of Being At The Right Place

Decent Essays

Being at the right time at the right place: “How to benefit financially?”

By some estimates, the total number of human beings that have ever lived is about 110 billion, of which approximately 7% are alive today. The world population keeps growing every year, so, statistically, you might say more humans have a chance of being at the right place at the right time than at any given time before, right? Yes and, uh, no. Statistics and big numbers have a powerful way of suggesting the wrong answer. Merely because more people play the lottery certainly does not mean your chance to win increases; only the total amount the winner will take away increases. That is of course unless we change the rules of the game itself. So, what does it …show more content…

You might have heard of him. Andrew saw a huge opportunity while working for the railroads, expanding tracks West and South from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Rail tracks and bridges were needed in great numbers all the way to the West Coast. A new, much more efficient process to make a stronger iron had just been invented by Henry Bessemer in the United Kingdom and Andrew Carnegie saw an enormous opportunity in making this new iron called steel from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, close to the iron ore mines and rivers for easy transport. But, the most important factor in deciding to start this business was a law adopted in 1870 supported by the Republican Party, which had the presidency and a majority in Congress. The law was a $28 tariff on imported steel, basically taking out the British competition in one stroke. The tariff was upheld for a good 30 years. You may or may not favor laws like this one, but it is beside the point: it was a Ka-Ching moment for Andrew and the other eight steel companies in the United States. They essentially got a license to print cash for themselves. Their timing was right. The rest is history. Andrew Carnegie went on to become one of the wealthiest men ever… only to give it all back to Society. The thinking behind his philanthropy was that he had been given a huge opportunity, largely by the good fortune of being at the right time and the right place. Of course, there is more to it than

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