
Importance Of Equal Rights In Australia Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

The world is changing dramatically every day; it is a fast paced environment constantly being introduced to newer and bigger things. I believe that as our modern day social lives grow so does our opinion on current world crises. Nowadays equal rights are upon our world in a range of different ways. More women are being seen in higher positions of authority throughout the world but this isn’t the case in selected developing and traditional countries. Same sex marriage has suddenly surrounded the world by storm being one of the biggest issues in the world, so why hasn’t it been legalized in particular countries and why are people against someone’s personal choice? Opportunities and discrimination is limiting and affecting people of different …show more content…

For hundreds of years men have been known to make a living to provide their family with money and opportunity. Nowadays it is rare to find middle class mothers who don’t provide their family with some kind of income; it’s also more common in the past twenty years to find single mothers who only support their family with one salary. This is making people more aware that women are capable and are able to provide equal opportunity. Australia has experienced their first ever female prime minister, Julia Gillard’s role of authority didn’t last that long but this is promoting women of higher authority and is attempting to provide people with visuals to soon accept that men and women are both as capable as the another and gender discrimination is something of the past. It has been said for many years that no matter the gender. People are provided with equal opportunity, this is not the case in many developing countries. Governments need to work together to provide and educate other countries of the consequences that should be put in place for gender discrimination, physical and mental abuse. World leaders should create a law to prevent this and each workplace should provide equal opportunity for men and women. If this law is disobey there should be a punishment the best suits each individual society for example western culture there should be a fine and possible criminal offence

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