
Importance or Accountability in the Us Army Essay

Decent Essays

Accountability (noun) Being responsible or liable for someone or something at the state of event and or situation. A leader takes charge and takes accountability for all those who fall under his or her leadership. Personnel accountability is critical in the event of a disaster or national emergency. Ensuring strict accountability for our military members is relatively easy because they are required to provide supervisors with contact information when they depart on leave even on there off time they are required to be accounted for. Civilians are not required to provide contact information while in a non-duty status, and "The Privacy Act precludes us from making it a mandatory requirement. Provide emergency contact information to …show more content…

Without accountability, change management will fail. The U.S. Army enforces accountability for many reasons; Inventories, Safety, and Work Procedures, and also just being able to keep track of military personnel's at all times. The Army follow a strict, firm, and structural policy or laws. The way accountability plays its role in the Army, it's like the back bone that holds everything together by keeping chaos or commotion at bay. If accountability fails to be kept then it can cause a lot of disorderly conduct amongst the Army and society itself. I as a Soldier firmly believe that accountability is highly important in the Army for these following reasons: Inventory- when doing inventory in the field, at work, or even in your own home having accountability of your important or valuable things or information can be helpful. Safety and Work Procedures- these two to me can run hand and hand. We do whats called "head count," it's like another term for keeping accountability on how many Soldiers that are on deck, and for safety reasons only, if an military personnel leaves his or her prospective place of business that person that is in charge should have accountability for those who work in there environment for safety procedures. Keeping track- to me this is something that is just common knowledge. Paying attention to your surroundings, asking questions or providing information, just being involved will and can improve the accountability.

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