
Impulsive Behavior In Romeo And Juliet

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Adolescents make more rash decisions than any other age group. This behavior linked with teenagers leads to risky actions because of the design of the teenage brain. On the flip side, the blueprint of the teenage brain permits teens to pick up new skills by seeking out different adventures. The teenage characters in Romeo and Juliet pose as an accurate representation of typical teenage decision making. Although this is consistent behavior with this age group, based upon scientific findings of adolescent brain growth, brain maturity, and pleasure drive, teenagers like Romeo and Juliet should be held responsible for their risk-taking and impulsive behavior. Based upon scientific findings, the adolescent brain is constantly growing and changing. The character Romeo, in Shakespeare’s famous play, displays how his adolescent brain is growing and changing. For instance, in the play, it states,”She is too fair, too wise, wisely too fair, to merit bliss by making me more despair.” (1.1. 218-219) This quote reveals that Romeo is deeply in love with Rosaline but as his youthful brain changes he quickly falls in love with Juliet with little knowledge of her. Not to mention, in the article, Are teenage brains really different from adult brains, it conveys, “Teenagers experience a wealth of growth in synapses during adolescence” (Edmonds). This small excerpt informs us that the synapses that help us make reasonable decisions are at an increase. In the same source, another significant

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