
Income Inequality Paper

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Income inequality is assessed by using “Gini coefficient” (Gini, 1909) and it is one of the commonly used measurement tools across the globe. The Gini coefficient is normally explained by using Lorenz curve where the income of individuals are arranged from the lowest income level to the highest income level (Lorenz, 1905). A Gini coefficient with zero means perfect equality, whistle one or 100 percent means maximum inequality (Rogerson, 2013) . Based on income inequality measurement tool; Gini coefficient, Wilkins (2014a) suggests that there was a decline in Gini coefficient between 1994 -1995 and 1996-1997 by showing an inequality in Australian household income. On the other hand, between 2003-2004 and 2007-2008, the Gini coefficient increased

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