
Independence Movements In The Atlantic World

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In the late 18th and early 19th centuries, French leaders within the National Assembly who supported independence movements in the Atlantic World had pertained to the goal of gaining nationalism, throughout the declaration of men and women’s rights. While, leaders in the American colonies and French peasantry, developed the intention to eliminate the pre-existing harsh acts, in regards, to excessive misuse powers. Furthermore, the Haitian revolution and South American leaders, who supported independence movements in the Atlantic World, had advocated for the overall ethnic equality among all individuals. All in all, French leaders had also aimed towards the goals of advocating against social distinctions, among striving for the well-being of …show more content…

American colonies had called for independence from Great Britain due to the abusive power of the monarch towards the people/colonies and the lack of representation. As demonstrated throughout document 1, the founders of the Declaration of Independence, directed towards Great Britain’s monarch, King George III, displayed him to be a tyrant. Thus, the American colonies have a right to dissolved from British, within establishing a free independent nation, based on people’s rights. This comes to show that leaders in the American colonies, sought out to remove themselves from Great Britain, and prospering into a more united system. Document 1, written by American’s founding fathers, had held a biased standard point from being upset, towards Great Britain’s treatment. This resulted in the colonies to use all their power to act against the reprimands that King George III, took away from them; therefore, refraining to persevere in acting for separation. While, in document 3, the eventual goal seek was for the peasants to remove themselves from getting heavily tax among the church, as well as assisting in the withdraw of labor service from the landlords. This demonstrates how the French peasantry, had been victims of these harsh punishments and had been exhausted of experiencing this cruelty. Cruelty had been clearly depicted through the upper classes stomping a peasant with a rock, symbolizing the need for seeking elimination of cruel acts. The French peasantry had strived for full liberation, in which, they were motivated by independence movements to seek for beneficial

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