
India 's Increasing Demand For Kpo

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The CAGR (compound annual growth rate) was expected by the Indian KPO sector between 2003 and 2010 was of 49.5%. In spite of slowdown, India’s KPO market is rising at a CAGR of approximately 30% at present and could touch $30 billion by 2015 from the current level of $20 billion.
Since these reports clearly divulge that there is a clear trend towards KPO services to India. A large no. of companies are showing their interest in India to offshore their work at comparatively cheaper rates. For instance, drafting and filing of patent applications is very expensive in the US but it is comparatively cheaper in India. India offers significant cost benefit of about 40% to 50% per cent in the areas of Research.
Increasing demand for KPO in India is …show more content…

India have the stock of highly qualified workers in about all sectors like engineering, research & development, pharmacy and biotechnology. KPO jobs are more challenging than BPO because instead of process expertise, KPO provides domain knowledge and business expertise, which, in turn, require highly specialised and analytical skills. This makes India the hottest destination for KPOs.
9.1 Why India is the most preferred KPO destination?
When the question arises, there are lots of facts which explains the advantages of offshoring to India and that explains the best to the asked questions. Whatever are the ingredients required for performing offshoring functions, the location (India) is very rich in that, and thus it offers lots of advantages. Some of them are pointed out in list below:- • Low Costs
• Socially recognized in India
• Perfect Education System of India
• Superior Intellectual Potential of India
• It will be suitable to the Indian work culture.
• Time Zone advantage
• India’s Stable Government
• Large Pool of Human Resource
• High Skilled Staffs like Cas, MBAs, Ph.D.s, etc.
• Good Working Conditions
• Best of Breed infrastructure of telecom and utility
• Security of Confidential Information
• High Quality Services
• Global organisations most preferred choice

Figure 6 : Total Sales of Indian KPO Industry
(Source- selected research papers and articles)

Lots of firms are operating in KPO industry in India and

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