
Indigenous Discrimination Faced By Indigenous Australians

Decent Essays

The 1967 Referendum
The 1967 referendum concerned the amendment of the discriminatory clauses regarding the Indigenous race within the Australian constitution. Although the 1967 referendum led to the increased awareness of the Indigenous disadvantage, the referendum only had a moderate impact on the advancement of Indigenous rights, due to the slow progression of legislation and implementation of changes that addressed Indigenous disadvantage. Leading up to the 1967 referendum, Indigenous Australians faced many political and social restrictions rendering them second classed citizens, hence the majority of campaigns in favour of the ‘yes’ vote emphasised these issues to the public eye. Although the referendum yielded a ‘yes’ vote of 90.77%, the immediate repercussions following this referendum saw no significant difference to the lives of Indigenous Australians. Furthermore, in contemporary Australian times, the inclusivity of Indigenous Australians in the census coupled with the addition of legislation in addressing the Indigenous disadvantage has built the foundation necessary to further Indigenous rights. Thus, the 1967 referendum ultimately highlighted and challenged the racial discrimination faced by Indigenous Australians.

During the 1960’s, advocates of the 1967 referendum built their campaigns on the political and social implications faced by Indigenous Australians, due to the Commonwealth Constitution. Advocates saw the removal of the offending clauses as a way to

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