
Industrial Revolution Research Paper

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Two factors contributed to mass pollution, population growth and rise of machines during industrial revolution. In the past 150 years, humans have risen to become the major polluters. In the past one and a half centuries we humans have brought about the rise of democracy, and fall of communism. We’ve survived two world wars, two great recessions, and one nuclear crisis. We have also managed to do something that no other animals could do in the past millions of years, we brought about mass pollution, habitat loss, health issues, and mass extinctions. Because of the population growth and civilization venturing into habitats once roamed by the beasts, and humans have come into contact with many new diseases. We have also endangered ourselves as well as thousands of other animals. As a matter a fact according to the UN about 150 species of plants and animals go extinct every day, to put this in perspective about 6 go extinct every hour. Due to this pollution is bad and is a major concern that we have to take seriously. Humans are the main cause of Pollution. But we can’t exactly blame ourselves for it, I think that where ever there is progress there will be pollution. Pollution is unacceptable and has to be stopped, if we don't do it for ourselves then we …show more content…

Well you should take a good look at it the next time you see it. Due to increasing temperatures, animals, like foxes, butterflies, and plants, are moving north to colder zones. Some animal misfits are also benefiting from the warm weather, the spruce beetle is one of these species, they enjoy the warmth and have devoured 4 million acres of spruce trees in Alaska. The population of some polar animals are also decreasing, for example the Polar Bear, Adelie Penguin, and Emperor Penguins. If we as humans don't past regulations and laws for factories emission and companies, the world will surely loose a lot of animal species and area for the next generation to see and live

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