
Informative Speech : Mexico : The World Below Us

Decent Essays

Informative Speech Outline Format – Template (Note, all boldface terms represent labels as they should appear in the outline you hand in – you need not bold yours but please have the label in place).

Name: __Megan Bianco___

Title: Mexico: The World Below Us

Specific Purpose: The specific purpose identifies information you want to communicate and a goal for the audience – “After listening to my speech, the audience will…” (Not in spoken text)

After listening to my speech the audience will have a better understanding of the culture of Mexico and their traditions, as well as a look into some of their problems.


I. Attention Getter: (Spoken text starts here) Mexico is a very diverse country, and is extremely different from others. Throughout history, Mexico has faced a very bloody and violent history that has been known around the world. As a result, their society is somewhat different from anything that has been seen before and is in itself unique compared to societies such as the United States

II. Thesis Statement: Mexico is an interesting country, with many different and people and customs, as well as major problems.

III. Credibility Step: Needs two parts
1. What personally connects you to this topic? – I took four years of Spanish in high school in which we learned about the culture in Mexico, and I always found it very interesting.
2. What type of research have you done to add to credibility? – I have read and studied books about Mexico throughout my

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