
Initial Group Norms

Decent Essays

The initial group sessions will emphasize on creating cohesion among the group members. Group norms and expectations of the group will be discussed. Icebreaking activities, such as deep introductions, deep breathing exercises, and getting to know one another activities will be used to, create trust and create cohesion and comfort among group members. The facilitator will display participation and model behavior to group members. These behaviors will include actively listening, respecting everyone in the group, demonstrating empathy, genuineness, relevant self-disclosure, and suggesting or listening to feedback when beneficial to self or members. The facilitator will also assist members to outline personal goals they may wish to achieve during …show more content…

The facilitator will remain opening and closing sessions. However, members will be responsible for directing the focus of the group discussions. Expected topics include concerns such as midterms, large assignments, finals, grade point averages (GPA), and the affect the stress and anxiety of these have on their life. The facilitator may employ meditation – practicing in relaxation training techniques to help ease the anxiety members feel. Meditation allows members to relax and observes their thoughts, feelings, etc. in a way they would not normally do so in their daily life serving as an insightful foundation for therapeutic work. The facilitator will be present to the here-and-now and facilitate responses to self-disclosure and feedback as members discuss concerns. Several sessions will focus to the termination of the group. The initial goals of the termination phase are to provide members an opportunity to reflect on their group experience and the achievements they have accomplished during the semester. Group tasks will comprise providing support, unfinished business about prior sessions, and feedback of the group and individuals’ self-growth. In concluding the final session, the facilitator and members will discuss any feedback of themselves and other group members. Members will be given a post-test identical

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