
Injuries in Football Essay

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Injuries in American football and how to reduce

Thesis Statement
Injuries in American football, can some of them be prevented? With the increase in injuries in football coaches are looking for better ways to try and prevent unnecessary injuries. Even though you cannot prevent all the injuries as a coach you want to at least prevent some. I. Explaining the content of paper preparing reader to understand the injuries and the importance of trying to prevent these injuries in American football. II. The type of serious injuries that are sustained in American football, can they are prevented or at least reduced? A. Concussions are a very common but serious injury in football. Types of hits or collisions that …show more content…

Now when you start getting a player that has had more than one concussion then that is when more concerns begin to start. The risk of complications is increased in athletes who prematurely return to play and in those with prolonged loss of consciousness or post-traumatic amnesia. An athlete with prolonged loss of consciousness or signs and symptoms that worsen or persist after a concussion should be evaluated in the emergency department. An athlete should not be allowed to resume sports participation until all symptoms of a concussion have resolved. (Sturmi) Then you also have numerous sport organizations that are making rules to try and prevent them. Some of these organizations are Pop Warner football who is limiting certain types of contact in practices like the head on collision type hits.(Kluger) They made this change due to the research done by Dr. Julian Bailes who is the chairman of the Pop Warner Medical Advisory Board and chairman of

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