
Is Conflict A True Argument Or A Complex Fight?

Decent Essays

An essential piece of knowledge in the art of persuasion is to realize whether or not your conflict is a true argument or a petty fight. “ in a fight, one person takes his aggression out on another” (heinrichs 17). The motives behind both an actual argument and a fight are completely different because when a person is truly arguing they are merely trying to persuade and influence their opponent’/audience. However a fight consists of one party angrily unloading their emotions and onto the opposing party and have very little goals other than to relieve their frustrations and tend to not actually achieve anything of significance. So when one finds themselves in a conflict it is paramount to recognize your goals and treat the conflict as an argument if you want to achieve meaningful results and always be sure to not let petty emotions overcome you and turn an argument into a fight. …show more content…

Many people,” think the sole point of an argument is to humiliate you or get you to admit defeat” (heinrichs 19). however, the true purpose of an argument is to achieve your goals not to actually claim victory just to say that you ‘won’. Many people have trouble arguing in the direct sense because of this skewed image of what the true purpose of arguing actually is. These people are the ones who go for getting there adversary to admit defeat rather than pursue their own original goals and agenda. Before starting an argument recognise what you want to get out of it and keep the argument on track with that agenda and don't let it stray to wanting to humilate your

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