
How Are Microorganisms Affect Bacterial Growth?

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Our world has changed dramatically since the day Antoine van Leeuwenhoek discovered microorganisms in 1676 using a simple microscope. In early days, scientists first thought life arose from inanimate materials. This theory, known as abiogenesis or spontaneous generation, was disproved later on by scientists including Lazarro Spallanzani and Louis Pasteur. The experiments conducted by these scientists showed that living things could only arise from preexisting life, or biogenesis. All life begins with a living cell, composing of five required components. These components are DNA, RNA, cell membrane, ribosome, and cytoplasm. As more investigations on bacteria were conducted, scientists were able to acquire a deeper knowledge of the microbiology and pathology of animals, plants, and humans.
Bacteria are small, unicellular prokaryotic microbes. They have many morphologies, which include rod-shaped, spherical, spirals, helices, stars, cubes, and clubs. Classification of bacteria begins with either aerobic (requiring diatomic oxygen for growth) or anaerobic (not requiring O2 for growth). Bacteria can simply be narrowed down to gram positive (organism that stains purple or blue by Gram stain) or gram negative (organism that stains red or pink by Gram stain). Many physical and nutritional factors influence bacterial growth. Physical factors include temperature (psychrophiles, thermophiles, and mesophiles), pH (neutrophiles, acidophiles, and alkalinophiles), O2 concentration (aerobic

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